Friday, 23 March 2012

Proud to be a Pakistani

Say in what ever words we may like but the truth remains that Pakistan won the Asia cup!!
Be it the horrible blunders of some bowlers or the score a bit too tiny or the rumors of the match being fixed (For which we were apparently to be given the prize of a foreign team coming to play on Pak-land);it really doesn’t matter. We still watched the match with the same enthusiasm and national spirit that we see only for a cricket match. I myself at my work, was hooked on another screen and the last 2 overs I was literally commenting so loud that my co-workers would ask if everything is alright. Text messages were exchanged between Canada, Dubai, Pakistan and London.

And when Cheema took the wicket on the second last bowl-it became psychotic. Will the new guy on the bat re-write the history like Miandad , or will he not???
And then above everything, Lala got the Man of the Match award so it was more than anything one could ask for. For myself, I cant visualize Pakistani Cricket with out him!
Cricket should be made our national sport- No harm in it I guess. This Cricket –worshiping nation would never be able to give Hockey the same passion so why insist. When capitals and currencies can change, why cant the sports?
Undoubtedly Cricket is the only mirror these days, that we as a nation look into to judge ourselves. We win, we feel proud as a nation. We loose we are dubious and doubtful and hopeless as if life has ended. I wish we could share the same Jazba Junoon for all the rest of the things as Pakistanis- God Bless Pakistan! Happy Pakistan Day (And happy yet another long weekend for my friends back home)